Crazy Events Stir the Emotions of the People and Me

            The shootings this past week have saddened me. What is going on with our country? What happened to the country I remember after 9/11? We leaned on each other after nearly 3,000 of our fellow Americans died that day. My bachelor’s degree is in criminal justice and journalism so … Continue reading Crazy Events Stir the Emotions of the People and Me

Fireworks trigger PTSD or Fear in People and Pets

Fireworks are something I always enjoyed as a kid. I loved going to see the local city’s fireworks on July 4 and setting off some of our own later. Nowadays it seems like the week before and the week after is part of the holiday, too. And it has lost its meaning. July 4th isn’t … Continue reading Fireworks trigger PTSD or Fear in People and Pets