Think your book has what it takes to win?

I don't publish much on here anymore, but I have something I want to share with you this week.  I'm back on Fiverr doing some editing and still have a couple of other gigs up. The book contest I'm sharing here is from an order I received and thought some of you might be interested … Continue reading Think your book has what it takes to win?

Did you get good results with NaNoWriMo?

Four. Four times. Four times I’ve started this book, and for the first time since I “won” my first National Novel Writing Month in 2012, I “won” this year. I pat myself on the back. I am so proud. And it’s not that I’m proud that I finished the 50,000 words of the NaNoWriMo challenge. … Continue reading Did you get good results with NaNoWriMo?