Learn about me

Ready to learn more about me? Let me share with you some details about my freelance editing and writing background.

  • I enjoy helping writers succeed. Editing and proofreading their manuscripts and other writing is one way I help.
  • I have wanted to be a writer since age 12. I have done all different kinds of writing since then.
  • Traveling is one of my favorite interests since I was a young girl, and I have visited three countries and half of the United States. I have plenty of stories to tell and helpful hints for traveling.
  • Working with children of all ages has been my career for over 20 years. Education is an ever changing field, and I take interest in understanding those changes.
  • Along with writing, I take photographs for remembering special family moments as well as catching the beauty around us. Adding an image to a blog post, or any kind of writing for that matter, makes it more appealing to the reader.
  • For the past 16 years, I have learned a great deal about how to be a great single parent. Some of those areas include traveling with young children and creating a budget when money is tight.

Being serious is usually me, but I do have a fun side as well. Let me give you a couple of those.

  • At Indiana University, I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and Journalism. I spent another two years earning my teaching license in English and Journalism. My parents thought I was going to be a professional student.
  • In July 2014, I saw my most favorite singer, Rick Springfield, for the eighth time and met him one time back in July 1999. Ask my friends how much I love Rick and his music. They think I’m nuts.

See my freelance editing and writing in my Portfolio or contact me — michele @ michelemathews dot com — for more information.