January proves to be a productive month for me

January was pretty good to me. I’ve already hit some of my writing goals this year. What a great feeling that is!

Hitting some of my goals gives me the motivation to keep working hard. It pushes me to keep going with my writing, which makes me happy.

What goals did I hit in January?

One of my goals for this year is to publish six books. Well, I’ve done half of that already. I published Adventures in Myrtle Beach last week. It’s the first book of three in the series.

The second book, Adventures in Florida, released today while the third one,

, will go on sale Monday, February 5. I had written and worked on these books most of last year and had planned to publish them by the end of the year.

But it didn’t happen. I was afraid they would get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season so I waited to publish them.

I’m proud of them. Writing nonfiction goes perfectly with my journalism background, but I’m ready to move on to other projects.

What’s next on my list?

First on my list is a short story for an anthology. I’m trying a new genre, young adult contemporary romance. I had joined a group on Facebook a few months ago, and one of the members wanted to do this. So I think around 10 of us are participating.

My short story is almost done. I had actually planned to have it done by the end of January, but I got sick last week. I could barely get through the day job by the time I made it home so nothing extra got done.

Once the short story is done, I’m thinking about writing something new for my nonfiction list giveaway. Currently, I give away a book about self-publishing, but I want to put it in Kindle Unlimited so it can get some page reads.

I also plan is to work on stories for a couple of premade covers I’ve already bought. My cover designer had a sale, and I couldn’t resist a couple of them. I’m excited to see what the covers inspire me to write.

I wanted to create a series, but I’m not sure if it will work with the covers I have. I’ll keep thinking, though.

The bigger goals

One of my biggest goals is to work toward a full-time writing career. This month I hope to get back into the freelancing. I’ve already been looking and have applied to a few jobs. I’m waiting
For a response, though.

A new stream of income I’m thinking about is creating a writing class. I have an education background and love writing so that makes sense. I’m not sure how I want to do it yet.

I had also started a store on Square that I need to finish setting up. Right now the plan is to put signed paperbacks and some other items on there.

So, I have lots of ideas going on. It’s just a matter of getting myself motivated and push through the health issues to get things accomplished.

Did anyone else have a good, productive January? If so, I want to hear about it!

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